Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 6:8-15 - Are You Quenching the Holy Spirit?

Date: Sunday, April 22, 2007
Speaker: Michael Fisher
Title: The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 6:8-15 - Are You Quenching the Holy Spirit?

Finishing chapter 6 of Acts, in an ongoing study of the book which has been called the training manual for Christians. After being selected as a church deacon, the Bible says that Stephen, full of grace and power, was moving in such signs and wonders that the priests tried to put a stop to it. Rather than retreating and being ashamed of the Holy Spirit's fullness in your life, be proud of it. Don't quench the Holy Spirit like the priests did when they saw Stephen moving in power. Boldly speak in tongues, heal the sick, raise the dead, prophesy, and cast out demons!

The Acts of the Holy Spirit


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