Monday, April 27, 2009

Risk - It's About Global Domination

Date: Sunday, April 26, 2009
Speaker: Jake Stimpson
Title: Risk - It's About Global Domination

Jesus came to start something new.  He didn't come just to make your life a little better or to help a few people know God; He came to demolish the kingdom of darkness and establish His Kingdom of Light on earth.  How's this gonna happen?  We're gonna have to take some risks and obey His voice when He tells us to do things beyond our comfort zones.

The Power of Surrender, Part 2

Date: Sunday, April 19, 2009
Speaker: Michael Fisher
Title: The Power of Surrender, Part 2

Surrender is a word most of us don't like to hear, but there's a real power when we finally surrender ourselves to God and His plan for our lives. You can spend your life in frustration, fighting God's call on you, or you can just surrender yourself to it and live the life of your ultimate dreams.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Power of Surrender

Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009
Speaker: Michael Fisher
Title: The Power of Surrender

Surrender is a word most of us don't like to hear, but there's a real power when we finally surrender ourselves to God and His plan for our lives.  You can spend your life in frustration, fighting God's call on you, or you can just surrender yourself to it and live the life of your ultimate dreams.

Monday, April 06, 2009

How's Your Vision?

Date: Sunday, April 5, 2009
Speaker: Brian Shuler
Title: How's Your Vision?

How's your vision? Do you suffer from nearsightedness in the spirit? Can you only see what's right in front of you and miss the big picture God's leading you towards? Or maybe you're farsighted. Maybe all you can see is stuff so far in the distance that you're not useful for God right now. How's your spiritual vision? Do you see what God's got in store for you and is doing around you, or is everything kinda' fuzzy?